Why Won’t She Love Me?

Why won’t she love me?  Is this what you are asking yourself daily?  Why is it that I love her but she won’t love me back the way that I do her?

These may be some of the most confusing things a man could ever go through.  Not only is it confusing but it could also disturb any future relationships that he may have later on.  The idea that the one you love doesn’t love you could turn your reality into a living night mare.

First, you must find out the reason why she doesn’t love you.. Is it your appearance, hygiene, the friends you hang out with or your demeanor? Perhaps something a long the way happened or she may have met someone else instead.

This is the most common one of course.  Also, you may want to consider if she has had a change of heart when it comes to the behaviors of her sexuality among men or women if you want to effectively make up with her.

Often times, men will not ever grasp the fact that the loves does not love him back and this notion can linger on for years while at the same time thwarting the progression of other relationships in the future. In order to get her attention back and make up the way you need to, you may have to consider the aspects of writing her a hand written letter and not be so cling anymore.  Women do not like clingness and insecure men.

Try and distance yourself from her and create new activities and events that you can do without her.  Than you can actually tell her that your life is great and that the activities that are included in your life have made you happier as a person.

Women love to see men that are happy, confident and not too clingy towards them.  There needs to be 50/50 balance so that the emotional roller coaster evens out in the end.

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